Content Disclaimer: The information provided on the Destination Dossiers are my educated suggestions, informed by over five years of trip planning to these destinations, my clients’ feedback, and hours of research. Each customer is fully responsible for reviewing the information and making sure it fits within your travel style and preferences. There are plenty of reviews for each hotel, tour, etc. available through the links provided. My World Travel is not liable if you’re unhappy with something recommended here (though I would be interested to hear about it, so I can consider changing the item on the Dossier).
Affiliate Links: The hotels linked on the Dossiers are to a affiliate website, which gives My World Travel a small kickback (this is how I can keep these so affordable)! No property choices were made because of this – they are only suggested if I truly thought the accommodation was among the best of the best and fitting for that budget category. This is also the case for a few Viator tours. You are more than welcome to book elsewhere, the information is yours!